Bringing Youth to Christ

“Dear Lord, we no longer want to live for ourselves, but for you.”

— Youth Apostles Prayer

Who are we?

Youth Apostles is a Catholic community founded with the ultimate purpose of inspiring youth to a Christ-like life based on the Lord’s sacrificial love.

Our Impact

With thousands of youth served each year by our members, our purpose has never been more clear - to inspire youth to live Christ-like lives… for the rest of their lives!

120+ Members

7 priests, 9 lay consecrated, and 110 lay single and married

125 Offerings

Offered weekly and attended by 2,500+ youth

24,000 hours

Of ministry serving young people every year

81 Retreats

Attended by over 4,700 youth


I was able to connect to [the Youth Apostles members at PVI] differently from other adults. Being able to relate to their story showed me a different level of respect that I hadn’t gotten from other teachers.
— Justin, student at St. Paul VI Catholic High School
YA Brother Nick Zaso Prays with a student

What Others Are Saying

Food For Your Soul

A series of reflections from Fr. Jack Peterson, YA, based on the Eucharist at monthly Food for the Soul gatherings.

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