Bringing Youth to Christ
“Dear Lord, we no longer want to live for ourselves, but for you.”
— Youth Apostles Prayer
Who are we?
Youth Apostles is a Catholic community founded with the ultimate purpose of inspiring youth to a Christ-like life based on the Lord’s sacrificial love.
Our Impact
With thousands of youth served each year by our members, our purpose has never been more clear - to inspire youth to live Christ-like lives… for the rest of their lives!
120+ Members
7 priests, 9 lay consecrated, and 110 lay single and married
125 Offerings
Offered weekly and attended by 2,500+ youth
24,000 hours
Of ministry serving young people every year
81 Retreats
Attended by over 4,700 youth
“I was able to connect to [the Youth Apostles members at PVI] differently from other adults. Being able to relate to their story showed me a different level of respect that I hadn’t gotten from other teachers.”
What Others Are Saying
Upcoming Events
Food For Your Soul
A series of reflections from Fr. Jack Peterson, YA, based on the Eucharist at monthly Food for the Soul gatherings.
This April, assuming the official call of the Bishop that will confirm my discernment, my fellow Youth Apostles brothers, Eric and Sean, and I will be ordained to the transitional diaconate and, finally, one year later in 2026, to the ministerial priesthood.