Our Vision
Mission Statement
Youth Apostles is committed to evangelize, teach, advise, challenge, console, and love the young with the ultimate purpose of inspiring them to live a Christ-like life centered on prayer and the Sacraments in the Catholic Church.
What is Youth Apostles?
Youth Apostles is a non-profit organization officially approved by the Catholic Church as a mixed Public Association of Christ’s Faithful.
We are priests and laymen who work with other volunteers to inspire young people to live a Christ-like life.
Our members commit to live a life of deep faith in Jesus Christ, of persistent prayer and participation in the sacraments. Youth Apostles endeavor to support one another and to serve young people together.
We form our members and volunteers in faith, fellowship, service, and youth ministry. Founded in the Diocese of Arlington, Youth Apostles minister in several states and serve thousands of young people each year.
Core Values
Christians are guided through their daily lives by the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love. Youth Apostles share a special calling to contemplate these virtues and live them as the core values of truth, freedom, and care.
Our community has not only been founded on the Lord’s commandment of love, but also upon his commitment to the truth. If we follow his commandment of love, Jesus tells us, “then you will know the truth” (Jn. 8:32a). As Youth Apostles, we strive to be consecrated to the truth and to inspire youth to live a life of truth.
Our community finds its own personal liberation in a life based on the Lord’s commandment of love and his commitment to the truth. Love God and others, live in truth, “…and the truth will set you free” (Jn. 8:32b). Love and truth lead us to freedom, and it is “only in freedom that man can turn himself toward what is good” (Gaudium et Spes #17).
Youth Apostles has been founded with the ultimate purpose of inspiring youth to a Christ-like life based on the Lord’s sacrificial love. The love which Christ shares with his followers contains an element of sacrifice: “Love one another as I have loved you. There is no greater love than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (Jn 15:12-13). We wish to model for youth this intimate connection between love and sacrifice.