Youth Apostles

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Lifting Our Hearts to the Lord

God delights in using simple, everyday things to draw us close to himself and make his love known. One powerful example in my life is through sports - specifically powerlifting. Picking up extremely heavy weights has been a hobby that stems from my days playing baseball and football. I have continued training to this day to become as strong as possible in the squat, bench press, and deadlift – the three “powerlifts.” 

As a Youth Apostles Missionary at St. Paul VI Catholic High School in Chantilly, VA, I have used my love of powerlifting to start the Lifting Club that meets twice weekly. Through this club, I have been able to build relationships with many students who share my passion for lifting weights. We begin our club meetings with a prayer, thanking God for our health and physical abilities that he has gifted us with. From there we lift, listen to energizing music, and enjoy each other’s company. 

Between sets one day, I had a student ask how we know that God actually hears our prayers. The Lifting Club provided an environment for him to ask questions about faith and the Church that he did not feel comfortable asking in Theology class. The Lifting Club provides our students with a time and place to understand the unity of body and soul.

I love to share spiritual insights that are inspired by some aspect of lifting. The discipline required to grow stronger in a certain lift is a fantastic analogy for the discipline required to grow in virtue. Chalk, which allows us to maintain a solid grip of even the heaviest barbells, reminds us of the abundant graces given by God that permit us to achieve great heights of holiness!

I have even helped prepare three students to lift in an official powerlifting competition. They each dedicated months of hard work and sore muscles striving to give glory to God through their strength. God has transformed this ordinary hobby of mine into a way for young people to grow close to him. 

At St. Paul VI, we are truly lifting our hearts to the Lord together!