It all began in 1979.
Youth Apostles was founded with the ultimate purpose of inspiring young people to live Christ-like lives based upon the Lord’s sacrificial love. This happens through building healthy, faith-centered relationships with them. The joy-filled lives of those young people then encourage their peers to look to Christ for meaning and purpose.
Membership Metrics for Youth Apostles and Women Youth Apostles
Over the last five years (2015-2020)
We are growing!
With 46,000 personal encounters with youth in 2019, our purpose has never been more clear - to inspire youth to live Christ-like lives… for the rest of their lives!

Those personal encounters happened through the leadership of Youth Apostle members on:
We desire to plant seeds of faith in our service to young people which will bear fruit for the rest of their lives.

Over 40 years of impact is shown in the number of alumni from our ministries who have vocations serving in the Church:
24+ Priests
20+ Current Seminarians
31+ Consecrated and Religious
71+ Youth and Campus Ministers
41+ Missionaries
Have all been impacted by a relationship with Youth Apostles.*
*as of August 2020