A List of Catholic Lent Ideas for Young People

Lent is a sacred season of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving—a time to grow closer to Christ as we prepare for Easter. It’s not just about giving something up; it’s about making space for God and deepening our faith. Here are some meaningful ways to live out Lent this year:

1. Pray the Rosary

The Rosary is a powerful way to meditate on Christ’s life, especially during Lent. Commit to praying it weekly or even daily. Reflecting on the Sorrowful Mysteries can help you enter more deeply into Jesus’ passion and sacrifice. Find a friend to pray with for accountability.

2. Go to Daily Mass

Attending daily Mass, even just once a week, can transform your spiritual life. You’ll encounter Jesus in the Eucharist and experience the peace that comes from starting your day with Him. Find a church near you by going to www.masstimes.org

3. Listen to the Bible in a Year Podcast

Fr. Mike Schmitz’s Bible in a Year podcast has been life-changing for many Catholics over the last several years. It’s an accessible way to dive into Scripture daily and understand God’s Word in a deeper way.

4. Attend Your Local Youth Group

Lent is a season of renewal, and being part of a faith-filled community can help you stay focused on Christ. If you haven’t been involved in your parish’s youth group, now is a great time to start. Bring a friend with you and grow in faith together!

5. Fast from Social Media

Social media can be a huge distraction from prayer and your relationships with others. This Lent, consider fasting from social media entirely or setting strict limits on your screen time. Use the extra time to pray, read Scripture, or better yet, download the Hallow App and go deeper into prayer with their Pray 40 Challenge!

6. Pick a Saint Buddy

Start Lent with heavenly support! Choose a saint to be your guide and inspiration. Here are a few ideas:

  • St. Ignatius of Loyola: Learn how to discern God’s will for your life.

  • St. Francis of Assisi: Embrace simplicity and a love for Jesus in the Eucharist.

  • St. John Bosco: Be inspired by his love for young people and creativity in ministry.

7. Find a New Spiritual Book to Read

Lent is a time for spiritual renewal. Challenge yourself to read a book that deepens your faith, like The Spiritual Exercises by St. Ignatius of Loyola.

8. Volunteer at Your Parish or School

Acts of service are a beautiful way to live out almsgiving. Whether it’s helping at parish events, assisting with religious education, or joining a service team, there are plenty of ways to serve others in your community.

Start Small, Stay Consistent

You don’t have to take on everything at once—choose one or two meaningful practices and allow God to work in your heart. Lent isn’t just about sacrifice; it’s about deepening your faith and drawing closer to Christ.


Deacon Sam Hill's Journey to the Priesthood