Deacon Sam Hill's Journey to the Priesthood

Today on our blog, we have a special testimony from Deacon Sam Hill, who was ordained as a transitional deacon last year for the Diocese of Richmond. In his journey towards the priesthood, Deacon Sam shares his inspiring story of faith and the profound impact one of our Youth Apostles priests, Fr. David Sharland, YA, had in his life. 

Hello! My name is Deacon Sam Hill. I was ordained a transitional deacon in May 2024. Looking forward to the priesthood, I am in awe of God’s providence in every aspect of my life but especially recently. Barely 10 years ago, I was confirmed and brought into the Catholic Church at the Campus Ministry at Virginia Tech (VT).

When I arrived at VT in 2013, I had little concern about my faith even though I grew up in a Christian household. Some close friends from my dorm, a Methodist and a Catholic, pushed me in my understanding of God and challenged my complacency. I felt I had to take my faith seriously, working through my unanswered questions and problems. After attending a few different churches, I had a powerful encounter with the Eucharistic presence of Jesus. Still hesitant, however, my Catholic roommate recommended that I talk to the priest of the Campus Ministry and attend RCIA at least to answer my questions. This was my introduction to the Newman Center and the Youth Apostles community at Virginia Tech. Youth Apostles arrived in Blacksburg in 2013, and Fr. David Sharland was assigned as the chaplain of the Campus Ministry. 

I found Fr. David to be a mentor and someone I could trust with my difficult questions about the faith. Fr. David was my first encounter with a Catholic priest; for me he was a model of patience, hard work, priority in prayer, orthodoxy, and love for us students. It was because of his mentorship and encouragement - and ultimately his belief in my vocation - that I began to believe in my vocation myself. My encounter at VT prepared for me a strong and indispensable foundation in the faith. It set me on a path that could have only been conceived in the mind of God. In short, I went to VT seeking a “normal” life, but I found that God had greater plans for me, leading me to the seminary in DC for 3 years and Rome for the last 4 years. 

The Youth Apostles community was present to me at the most pivotal moment in my life. Because of their hope and vision for God’s providence working in me, I was able to see and accept his plans for myself. Pray for me to be a great priest like Fr. David, holding back nothing from God.


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